Where are they now? - 1990's


Josh Giuntoli
Leaving Date: 1990
Email: joshua_nello@hotmail.com
Location: Washington, USA


Attended KNBS from 1989-1990.  Was in the fourth form. Father was on a teacher exchange at washwood heath, we lived in kings norton.  Hey all.


Tony Green
Leaving Date: 1990
Email: tgreen@nbtech.co.uk
Location: Wales


Well, KNBS has been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st Century. The website looks good and I was surprised to see so many 'old faces' still left among the teachers. Anyone from the 85-90 years around? Didn't see much in the guestbook from that period. "Hi" to anyone that remembers me - get in touch if you want. 


Wayne Childs
Leaving Date: 1991
Email: wayne@billdoor.freeserve.co.uk
Location: Birmingham


Any Body Visiting The Site Who Went To KNBS From 1986-1991 Please Get In Contact. Myself And Robin Day Still Talk About School Even Today And Just Wondered What The Class Of '91 Are All Doing Now


Lee Wainwright
Leaving Date: 1992
Email: lee.wainwright@talk21.com
Location: Northampton


Just to say it is good to see the KNBS school is going good just like it was when I was there in 1987-1992.

If anyone remembers me just send me an e-mail.


Marcus W. Mitchell
Leaving Date: 1992
Email: marcuswmitchell@yahoo.com
Location: USA


Nice Web Page!
It would be great if I could make contact with some of my friends and staff through the KNBS Web Page. Good Luck to everyone at KNBS.
Marcus W. Mitchell


Adam Nussbaum
Leaving Date: 1993
Email: adamnussbaum@pcc.net
Location: Chicago, USA


Hi.  Adam Nussbaum here.  "Nuzzy." "Yank."  
I attended KNBS from, say... 1989-1993.  If anyone remembers me, feel free to get in touch.  It seems that my favorite teachers, Mr. Hill (English), and Mr. Inman (also English) are not on the staff anymore... Hmmmm... but I am happy to see a website, and as you can see, there would have really been no other way for me to say hello from America, otherwise... or at least not as easily.



Dafydd Evans
Leaving Date: 1994
Email: rugby_krefeld@hotmail.com
Location: Iraq at this time


Hi i think I left in 1994. It has been a long time. I m now in the Army as a Lcpl. I have been all around the world. If any one know who I m Plz write back.
Dafydd (David) Evans


Matthew Hunt-Kobayashi
Leaving Date: 1994
Email: mhunt-kobayashi@ofsted.gov.uk
Location: London


I was student between 1987 and 1994.

I have been thinking a lot about KNBS recently so I was extremely please to run across this site. It was nice to see that many of the staff I remember are still teaching at the school (hello Mrs.Newman). I did not have time today, but I will be having a good rummage through the site. From my e-mail address you see whom I work for now - I have been a Government Statistician for four years now.

Thank you all past and present.

Shakil Chowdhury
Leaving Date: 1996
Email: shaq666_uk@yahoo.co.uk
Location: Hertfordshire


I was a pupil at KNBS from 1991 to 1996, and i can say i had time of my life whilst meeting some great people. if anyone does remember please get in touch, as it would be great to chat about the good old days. if Mr Shaw is still a teacher there i would like to say hello as he was my form tutor for 4 years.


Matthew Westwood
Leaving Date: 1996
Email: westy_death1@msn.com
Location: Birmingham


I was at KNBS from 1991 - 1996 I started in 2nd yr (now yr8!!!) moved from Harborne Hill school, starting the same yearr as the current Head of school Mr Ian Sonley, be that good or bad, but from day one he knew me by name, thankfully I wasn't that bad he remembered me.
I stayed on in 6th form for a year to do resits spending another yr with my form tutor for i think the 4th year running John Hattersley aka Jack, also i had him for science.
Since being at KNBS Jack will be pleased to know i'm still in the Scout movement. yep now in my 14th yr.
And as it goes for jobs, as most of you started off as a Saturday kid, working up the ladder too superviser  then was let free to run a newsagent for a year or so, then moved to work with on old Manager (which was a bad move), it didn't last long, so now back to square one

Just wanted to say thank you to all from KNBS, for all your help and encouragement (i still cant spell that good, somethings dont change)
If anyone remembers me, hey e-mail me would be good 2 talk 2 old mates
thanx Matt


Andrew Hunt
Leaving Date: 1997
Email: ahunt21@hotmail.com
Location: Birmingham


I studied at KNBS between 1990-95 and then continued on to the Sixth Form from 1995-97

I actually just read a message my brother had written, so I thought I'd do one too!

I've been working as a Graphic Designer for the past 2 years, and will be a Director in a new internet solutions business which starts next next month

Nice to see Robert Flynn is still around



David Hughson
Leaving Date: 1997
Email: davidhughson@aol.com
Location: Birmingham


Hi David Wright, I don't know if you will remember me or even read my comments but I just wanted to tell you how much  I enjoyed your class! I am now a student at Solihull College where I am studying a HND in Graphic Design thanks inpart to you! So thanks Mr Wright,
from,David Hughson


James Endall
Leaving Date: 1997
Email: ej296107@stmail.staffs.ac.uk
Location: Staffordshire


Just like to say hello to everybody who had the unfortunate honour to have  taught me between the years 1989-1997 and to my fellow peers from the time.Now studying BA (Hons) Marketing at Staffordshire University. Fond memories of house football and representing my school at both cricket and football. Also the excellent outdoor pursuits. Many thanks!


Mark Charles
Leaving Date: 1997
Email: mark@talltrees.demon.co.uk
Location: UK


I was at the school from 1991-1997. After gaining
the Duke of Edinburgh Award at bronze, silver and gold levels I still help Ian Nelson with the expeditions.


Tim Earp
Leaving Date: 1997
Email: wyatt@iemail.com
Location: Nuneaton


lots of old people on the net! well heres a younger one, was at knbs 91-97 then joined army cause was bored and now loving it! you dont need lots of qualifications but it sure does help when wanting to do something decent. hi to any one who remembers me.


Jonathan Seadon
Leaving Date: 1997
Email: jonathan.seadon@services.fujitsu.com
Location: Bournville


I attend KNBS (about 90-95% of the time, or so my report card stated) between 1990 and 1997, eventually leaving after resetting my first year of A-levels. I then went on to read for a degree in Business, Information Technology, in Birmingham and was awarded a 2nd class Hon's. After temping in stock management at Cadburys and for a Network Call Center. I got a real job April 2001, as a Systems Engineer with Fujitsu Services.

In July of this year (2002) I married Sally Ratley and currently rent part of a house in Bournville. My wife and I are purchasing a property in Northfield Jan 2001 (with a repayment mortgage; my A-Level business studies tutor - Mr. Davis will not doubt be pleased to here).
I'm very much in to cars and have both a pale blue Mk3 Mini Cooper Replica (you my have seen screaming around the place) and my Dad's old Spartan Kit car (currently in pieces, due to an engine blow out last year - opps!).

I'm in regular contact with a lot old friends, including Chris Porter who I give a lift home to after work most days. A big hello to all the teachers who put up with me (one of my fondest memories was getting removed from an A-Level Math's class; for making noises like the aliens in Mars attacks! I think Mr. Moss must have had enough of me that day but I don't think they're where that many year 13's who got thrown out of lessons (don't think that should go on my ROA though). It didn't any effect on my final grade, as I left for University before sitting my Math's exams!


Tim Sharpe
Leaving Date: 1997
Email: geg80209@hotmail.com
Location: Birmingham


I attended KNBS from 1990 to 1997 and have recently returned from a three-year stint at Portsmouth University (I graduated in June with an upper second class honours degree in geography). My fondest memories of KNBS include the football tour to Holland (I can’t remember the date – in fact there’s a lot I can’t remember), Lynn Fowler’s immortal phrase: “This is like flogging a dead horse” – I think we were the lamest English group she’d ever taught, and Barbara Newman for always insisting that I was a persistent under-achiever. Apologies to Alan Kirsz for testing his patience on more than one occasion and a big “Hello” to anyone who remembers me!


Hamal Jilka
Leaving Date: 1999
Email: hamal_jilka@hotmail.com
Location: Birmingham


Hello everyone.

I was student at the school between 1994 and 1999. i had a great time there, developing friendships and learning at the same time. Presently, i have finished my a levels at Cadbury College, and gained 26 points, ABB. I appeared live on national television, and had to open my results live on air.

I will now be going to Leeds University to study Statistics and Management. It is a three year course. Just wanted to say thanks to Mr Moss for teaching me my maths, and thanks to others, including Mrs Parkinson, Ms Ward, Mr Hattersley and Mrs Reed. I hope that all are well.

The website is excellent, and has imporved considerably over time. If anyone remembers me, please email. This includes teachers as well as students. I would like to get in contact with James Bagnall, Ian Smith and Jon Weaver as well as others.


Laan Ponchamni
Leaving Date: 1999
Email: ipon83@yahoo.com
Location: Germany



I will just like to post this message back home to let everybody know that i am now living in Germany and that i attended this school from 94-99 and
that i will look forward to probably coming down there and to visit the school again. Also i will like to add that i enjoyed the five years of hard work and dedication to succeed.  I will like to take this opportunity to thank all the teachers that were very helpful towards me throughout the five years!!!


Steve Walton
Leaving Date: 1999
Email: s.a.walton@uclan.ac.uk
Location: Lancashire


I was a pupil at K.N.B.S from 1991 untill 1999. I
am currently at University of Central Lancashire,
studying on the Media Technology BSc/Medtech
degree course. I am currently a member of the Old
Nortonians association and play the Last Post on
Rememberance Sunday at the School memorial site.
I would like to invite people to get in touch if
they want to discuss any past memories they may
have of their time at Kings Norton Boys School.





Registered Names




Josh Giuntoli

Tony Green

Wayne Childs

Lee Wainwright

Marcus W. Mitchell

Adam Nussbaum

Dafydd Evans

M. Hunt-Kobayashi

Shakil Chowdhury

Matthew Westwood

Andrew Hunt

David Hughson

James Endall

Mark Charles

Tim Earp

Jonathan Seadon

Tim Sharpe

Hamal Jilka

Laan Ponchamni

Steve Walton