Local Images



Whether you are a student looking for images for your work, an Old Nortonian 

looking to reminisce or a local resident, I'm sure you'll find this 

photographic album of King's Norton and Bournville very useful.

All photographs were taken on 12th July 2002


Click to enlarge..........


King's Norton Green

looking towards Pershore Road

King's Norton Green

facing the Church

The Bulls Head -

King's Norton Green

The Church of

 St. Nicholas - King's Norton Green

MVC-373F.JPG (49238 bytes) MVC-374F.JPG (46799 bytes) MVC-375F.JPG (41251 bytes) MVC-376F.JPG (28614 bytes)
The Old Grammar School The Church - taken from the Old Grammar School The Saracen's Head King's Norton Green
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King's Norton Fire Station Cotteridge Island Cotteridge Church

Almshouses -

 Mary Vale Road

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Cadbury's - from the sports ground Selly Manor Bournville Green Shops Bournville Post Office
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Bournville Visitor Centre UCE - Bournville Campus Bournville Carillion Carillion and Junior School
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Bournville Carillion Bournville Infants School Bournville Shops Bournville Yachting Pool
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Heath Road Shops Rowheath Pavilion and Pool King's Norton Business Centre from Lifford Lane King's Norton Business Centre from Pershore Road
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Lifford Reservoir Lifford Reservoir

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MVC-367F.JPG (24223 bytes)