School History


"We, being courteous, sympathetic and

understanding, constantly strive"

Ian Sonley (Ret'd),  Headteacher 1992-2004


Kyngsnorton in Tudor times

Kyngsnorton in Stuart times

The history of our School

The history of the O.N.A

The school and the O.N.A.

50 Years ago...  (from 1961)

Old Nortonians' Cricket Team

Old Nortonians' Football Team

Old Nortonians in merry mood

Mr F.W. Wright

Mr T. Wareham

Mr W. H. Reynolds

Mr C.F. Ewins

Mr L.K. Ecclestone

1939 Evacuation

Air Training Corps

U.S. Army Baseball

The 'New New' block

The Villa Cup

Mr Geoff Sheen

1971 Annual Dinner

The Welsh cottage

Profile of Mr K. Hearne

1974 Staff List

1992 Staff List

Mr Howard Stockley

Past Masters nicknames

ONA Past Presidents

The war memorial

Why this school is so good

Reflections on 75 Years

Why   "The Eagle"?