Where are they now? - 1970's


Eric Cohen
Leaving Date: 1970
Email: ecohen9673@aol.com
Location: Liverpool


I attended KN from 1963 to 1970 and watch with interest the progress of the school. 

My e mail address is ECohen9673@AOL.com as requested.

You may be interested that I too became a teacher and have been Headteacher at Roby Park Primary School in Knowsley near Liverpool for seven years now!!

I remember fondly my years at KN and if your archives have the names of my cohort mates (e.g. Phil Benett, Jonny Arnold, Barnacle, Osborne, Rod Walters) e mail me or something!

Kindest regards to Ian Sonley and the staff


Graham King
Leaving Date: 1970
Email: gking10664@aol.com
Location: Northamptonshire


I was at KNGS from 1964/5 till 1970 and looking at the site has bought back many memories, particularly the staff members.

The names of old pupils from that time have also started to ring bells in the old memory box. Amazing how just one name reminds you of an incident that you had forgotten about.

A previous entry from David Harris was so vivid. I had completley forgotten about the 'tuck shop' and the half a loaf and crisps. I remember that you had to queue up outside the prefects room if you wanted to go to the shop.

Does any one remember the drinks vending machine that was installed in the corridor? It would have been about 1967/68. I was in form 5T, (I think) and we were 'chosen' to look after it.

It quite ironic that I now repair them for a living!!!

Some good and happy times at KN but really in hindsight I wasted the time that I was there.


Graham Packer
Leaving Date: 1970
Email: graham.packer@att.net
Location: Algonquin, Illinois, USA


Had the good fortune to visit Paul Heath in 1979. I came over to Boston Mass. with his brother (my best pal Steve Heath) and fell in love with the USA. I have lived here since 1982 (is it really 20 years?) and have enjoyed every minute. It really is the land of opportunity. I have a San Diego born wife and 2 daughters 4 & 6 as well as a son by my first marriage ( 24 years of age and living with my Dad in Hollywood on the outskirts of B'ham). I think back to all of the friends that I had in school and as I approach 50, wonder where and how they are. I loved school. I should have concentrated more on studies, but I have no regrets. My profession takes me all over the USA (they are short of streetcleaners all over) and I thoroughly enjoy what I do. I now have more chins than a chinese telephone book....Seriously though, if you have a minute, drop me a line with your phone # and I will try and give you a call.

My thanks to all concerned, for all of the work in putting together this site.


Joe Stikans
Leaving Date: 1970
Email: jstikans@dinmar.com
Location: Canada


I was at KN from 1963-70 and have fond memories of those years.


Johnny McClaren
Leaving Date: 1970
Email: kingswood12@freeserve.co.uk
Location: Southampton


Hi chaps.My illustrious career started as i left KN in 1970.I can remember many happy moments despite my somewhat lacklustre perfomance whilst at the school.It must have given me something though as i eventually got the acheivement hormone working.I can still in my sleep automatically write a thousand times that"obedience is a virtue that i must endeavour to cultivate!".I recall most of the year and a few characters from other years. At the ONA dinner it was a pleasure to meet Ian Caney,Rob Ball,Jack(James)McLaren,Chin Jones and Tim Cuthbertson.         I would be interested to hear from anyone,John Godfrey,Ian Meynell,Read Marler,Bates,etc etc.The list is endless.Sunny regards john.


Malcolm Pugh
Leaving Date: 1970
Email: mb012b0076@blueyonder.co.uk
Location: Rubery, Birmingham


Link to Memories Section


Paul Fellows
Leaving Date: 1970
Email: paulfellows1@hotmail.com
Location: Lincolnshire


Hello, I attended KNGS from 1963 to 1970, this is the first contact I've ever made with my old school even though the memories are always with me. I was one of those working class boys who's dad worked at the Austin and who always felt a little daunted and seduced by the the public school feel the school had. My only real claim to any fame was appearing in The Crucible, a joint venture with the girls school and failing my A Levels at the Stone on Northfield. It would be good to hear from anyone who remembers me....good wishes to all. 


Richard Osborne
Leaving Date: 1970
Email: richosborne@lsse.freeserve.co.uk
Location: London


I was at Kings Norton 1964-70 & would be interested in catching up with people in my year group. I now teach Phiosophy & Cultural Studies
at Camberwell College of Art, London & write books to shore up the salary.
See Megawords.net for contact.


David Harris
Leaving Date: 1971
Email: daveharris@bluecarrots.com
Location: Birmingham


I remember Ian Capewell, Ian Caney, Steve Brooks, Graham Packer, Steve Heath,Steve Jones, John Mclaren, 'Jack' Mclaren, Les Albiston, Tim Cuthbertson, Allastair Jennings, Pete Marler Ted(mund) Brew, and lots of Osbornes. Teachers : George Aigar (Chemistry), 'Mini' Caldwell (Geography) in the New Block, Howard Stockley (Physics and Italian), Pinhead (Maths).

Other memories : Half a loaf and a packet of crisps from Brenda in the tuckshop and a glass of pop for sixpence if I could afford it. When the brand new school gym got 'For Sale' painted all down one wall. What did the pavillion have painted on its roof ? The assemblies were sheer entertainment, and why did Mr Sheen always want to see someone called 'Santer' afterwards ? Going for a smoke in the bike sheds or the air raid shelters. Water fights in Brunaker. Forging my dad's signature in my homework diary to avoid getting 1/2 hr DT. 7 of us being chosen to do Ancient Greek in the 3rd year with Mr Boothroyd. Ian Capewell getting 1 hr DT for singing 'he'll be flicking green gilbots when he comes...' in the language lab at the Girl's school


Michael Hind
Leaving Date: 1971
Email: michael@mjhind.freeserve.co.uk
Location: Yorkshire


What a real pleasure to see this site.Brings back so many memories. When I've more time, I'll write a few anecdotes. I was at the school from 1966-1971. Where are they now ? Andy Brown, Graham Martin, Tom Thornbury, Steve Assinder, Paul Geoghegan, Ian Holloway, etc.etc. We won the Under 14's Triplex Shield, but I can't remember the score or who it was against.....I'd love a reunion some day. I was in Jervoise and then became a Weaver boy.


Peter Marler
Leaving Date: 1971
Email: pmarler@mcdermott.com
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Having discovered the schools website this morning through the FriendsReunited website I just couldn't resist adding my memories from my time at the school - 1963-1971. 

I had fun at a time when our world was changing; peace, sex, drugs and rock 'n roll (not that I did all four!) and I have been having flashbacks all morning:
- "Bonzo avez une green Gilbert" - someone got detention for that.
- Tweed Harris' graffitti under the shelves of Brunacker House - thanks mate!
- Phil Bates' chopper bike - I always wanted one
- The Basketball Team - they were good and they knew it
- Throwing the hammer through the fence to the Bourneville playing fields - my first and last attempt
- The smell of chocolate before it rained
- The chess and bridge players in the 6th form common room - annoying !@#$@%!
- The Applied Maths teacher "trying to find the inclination" (forget his name)
- The Girls School - hmmmmm!
- Working at Woolworths with Jasbo and Sainsbury's at night
- 280GOP, My pale blue (and brown bits) 1963 Ford Cortina

I thought I had wasted my time there - I put so little effort in but something managed to get through and I still apply some of those lessons everyday. I have done OK.  Thanks to all of you who taught me and all of you who were friends - get in touch.


Jim Baker
Leaving Date: 1972
Email: jimebaker@otmail.com
Location: Dudley


After 28 years with Barclays Bank I have now take voluntary redundancy and become self-employed. I have also become a grandad!
I have strong memories of KNGS and the happy times I had there.
I still have contact with a few old mates but I am always on the look out for other old friends, wondering what they may be doing now.
I best remember teachers like Howard Stockley,Mr Coultass, Bill Bailey, Fred Vane, Rev Harry Wright (or was it White- my memory is fading).
I would love to hear from anyone who remembers those good old days


David Evans
Leaving Date: 1972
Email: dandjevans.300856@virgin.net
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne


I graduated from KNGS with 1 o level! Despite this inglorius start I managed to get a job in the NHS in 1973 working in Histopathology. SInce then I have managed to pick up one or two qualifications: ONC, HNC, MSc in Biomedical Sciences and an MBA! I am also a Fellow of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences. I am now Lab Manager up in Newcastle upon Tyne. I sometimes wonder if KNGS really unlocked my true potential or was I just an unrepentant dosser back then! Still I remember my school days with fondness even if some of the masters were lunatics!


William (Bill) Wakefield
Leaving Date: 1972
Email: bill_wakefield@talk21.com
Location: Wythall, Birmingham.


47, married for 26 years (to the same woman!), two children (21 and 18), now working in market research as a project manager. Still wondering if I'll ever make it as a rock star!! Great memories from KN - had a great time there but did no work and failed miserably at everything except English which was the only subject I was really interested in. Mates were Gary Wagstaffe (Wagger), Peter Williams (Jock), Richie Meyer (Charlie), Ian Winkles, Ben Rickards et al ad infinitum.  Vivid memories of some of the masters - Harry Wightman who would dish out detentions for not finishing school dinners but was brilliant nonetheless; Claude Levit - the brilliant English master who really turned me on to poetry; Stephen Jack - not to be messed around with, but always fair; Howard Stockley - nuff said!! Oh to be back there now!


Jim Bennett
Leaving Date: 1973
Email: jim.bennett@sita.co.uk
Location: King's Norton 


As you can see I still live in KN and have some great memories of my time at the school. My son John is also an Old Boy, as is my Step Son, Paul Pickering.

I have lost touch with most of my mates from that time and would love to hear from anyone who remembers me.


David Milman
Leaving Date: 1973
Email: david.milman@man.ac.uk
Location: UK


I was an old boy 1966-73 and would be happy to hear from any contemporaries. Details of reunions would be most interesting.


John Newman
Leaving Date: 1973
Email: j-snewman@awalnet.net.sa
Location: Saudi Arabia


Link to Memories section


Geoff Kemp
Leaving Date: 1974
Email: geoff@torc66.freeserve.co.uk
Location: Norfolk


Hi there, A student at KNGS from 1967 - 1974, In the same class as John Newman, those thoughts are already listed. Although living in Norfolk, still working in the West Midlands so will have to try to drop in to see how the place has changed. Interesting reading the thoughts and memories of the others, will try to add my own.


Mark Sweet
Leaving Date: 1974
Email: ziggyvampire@aol.com
Location: Birmingham


Hi all
I really don't know why I've not found this site before.
I was here 1969 to 1974 ish after messing up my O levels and having to go into remove. Yes, the Ziggy in the e.mail address does come from the David Bowie album. I remember going to Birmingham Town Hall to see him in 1972 with Carl Reading and Paul Butler.

My first form was 1b and the master was Taffy Hughes. Other names spring to mind Bill Bailey, Creeping Jesus, Cecil Hartley etc etc.
They were great times and my dad still reminds me of how much better I could have done for myself if only I had worked while I was there.
I remember going in during the holidays to get my O level results and failing seven out of nine. Howard Stockley took me to one side and said "Sweet, bloody stop jumping in and out of bed with all those girls and you might pass them next time" Howard I was an innocent 15 year old then.

Anyway if anybody remembers me give me a shout I would love to reminisce.


Martin Lane
Leaving Date: 1974
Email: martin@mudtower.f9.co.uk
Location: Aberdeenshire


Hello, Its been a long time since I had contact with the school, I left middle 6th in 1974. There's been alot of water under the bridge since then!


Peter Elmer
Leaving Date: 1974
Email: fuddster@redskinsuk.freeserve.co.uk
Location: Castle Bromwich


Hi everyone.
Attended KNGS (grammar school days) from 1968-1974.
I remember visiting the school in the summer of '68 to give it the once over before starting. The buildings and school rooms looked daunting. Single desks!! Wot! No cheating. All thoughts of those fears soon evaporated when I came across the playing fields.I began in IA with Mr 'Batman' Boothroyd as my form teacher. I can only remember some of the class register, so here goes:

Fryer,Griffin,Ham,Hammond, Knight, Mckiernan ????Quinn.......???? Anyone fill in the gaps?

Some of the teachers I can recall include:
'Mongy', Jack, 'Charlie' Chester, 'Cecil' Hartley, Sam Orrill, George Agar, 'Mini' Cauldwell, Claude Levitt, Bernard Hedges aka 'Steve Zodiac', Howard Stockley, 'Pinhead' Guest, 'Bill' Bailey, Maurice Burrows, Dawn Ferraro, Mr Chin, Malcolm Burgess. I'm sure there's more and when I remember them I'll add them onto the list.

Geoff Sheen was the Headmaster when I first arrived and then Karl 'UCCA Forms' Hearne took over within a couple of years, I think? A rather officious looking deputy also arrived who I think was named Mr Wright. He must have had a nickname, but it escapes me.

My initial thoughts were that I'd joined a funny farm with all these teachers wearing black gowns to lessons, There was their mortar boards missing. However, I soon settled into the place. Well it only took me 3 months to realise I didn't need to take my gym kit to each lesson. My mind was obviously straying onto the playing field. Art & Geography were particularly difficult as you could look out onto to the fields from the classrooms. I had many a chalkboard or a Bill Bailey pump thrown in my direction.
I seem to remember being in Middlemore House (red?) but then they reduced the number of houses down from 5 to 4. I think I moved to Mortimer (black) Anyone recall the other houses and have I got mine the right way round? (Jervoise was one!!)

I managed to get into the school football teams. The under 14's won 4 cups one year including a share of the Villa Cup after a 3-3 draw with St.Thomas Aquinas at Villa Park. We even got a new all blue strip (being a Blues fan,the irony was not lost on me) to wear for the final, with numbers on the shorts as well?. I was on the bench for that game partly due to injury but mainly due to Gordon Ham being a better player.

I still see Marcus 'Ozzie' Osborne who over the years became my best mate, and still is. I'd like to know how some of the following guys got on:
Makon Singh Rama, Pete Vincent who used to live in the next block to me in Edgbaston/Lee Bank area, Paul Moss, Charlie Sinclair, Robert Shann, Steve Fisher,who gave me Led Zep I & II for which I'm eternally grateful, Jon? Matthews, Martin Withers, Les? Daxter, ???Sturmy.
I've got loads more memories which will have to wait for another time.
I did enjoy my time at KNGS and finding this site has begun to bring it all back. Thanks.
If anyone remembers me and wants to get in touch please do so. I'd love to hear from you. 


David Morrison
Leaving Date: 1975
Email: david.morrison2@virgin.net
Location: Kings Norton 


Just having a trip down memory lane.... I was there around 71 to 75ish. Seems a long time ago. Seeing the names of teachers mentioned in other postings brings it all flooding back. Bread and crisps from the tuck shop, fags behind the bike sheds or on the roof of the gym, coach trips, sports days, the cane, detention. Life was much simpler then, wasn't it? If I forget anyone please accept my apologies, but to the best of my memory the register consisted of Ali, Bailey, Bailey, Beech, Coe, Davies, Edwards, Hill, Hughes, Hunt, Jones, Jones, Lamb, Millership, Morrison, Pai, Parkes, Pitt, Stansbie, Stelling, Valentie and Williams. 


Thanks also to the staff for having much more success with my eldest, who's recently flown the nest and is now at uni. Best wishes to you all


Lee Blizzard
Leaving Date: 1975
Email: lee.blizzard@pentos-plc.co.uk
Location: Chesterfield


I discovered the Friends Reunited site yesterday and then went on a mission to find anything related to KNBS, I was delighted to find this site and have spent the last few hours on a trip down memory lane.  I  was at the school from 71 to 75 and like many others its great to see familiar names still teaching namely messers Hattersley,Burgess,Chapman. I just read a guestbook entry from Howard Stockley, what a character he was !!. Not found many names from my era either on here or friendsreunited ,where are all the guys who used to go for a fag in the air-raid shelters or behind the bike sheds. It would be great to hear from anyone who remembers me. Great site, I'll be back soon. All the best.


Nick Hoare
Leaving Date: 1975
Email: Nick_Hoare@mitel.com
Location: Plymouth


Great website, being sent the link by my brother Chris, also an old boy, has made my weekend. I was at KNBS '71-'75 then my family moved to Plymouth. A great school, many happy memories. Great to see mr Hattersley still on the staff, best Chemistry teacher I ever had. Anyone who remembers me feel free to e-mail. I often wonder what you are all doing now.


Paul Heraper
Leaving Date: 1975
Email: paulheraper@ukonline.co.uk
Location: Birmingham


This was the first time I'd delved into the Kings Norton Boys School website and it was really interesting, especially the article by John Newman who was only one year old than myself. I remember many of the schoolmasters he mentioned and agreed heartily with his comments about the Dickensian atmosphere of the school when we first entered it. I remember this did seem to abate somewhat after we had been at the school for a couple of years, it may have been familiarity but I think that the changing times and the new influx of staff in the early seventies helped that disappear. I work at a local Computer Facilities Management Company (ITnet Ltd), along with several other old boys, Keith Freeman, Neil Hawkings, Ian Baker, Mark Gossage (we all left within a few years of each other during the mid seventies) and have worked in the same company ever since.


Neil Gregory
Leaving Date: 1976
Email: iceblood59@hotmail.com
Location: Birmingham


Ah the memories come flooding back...
 I was at KNGS from 1970 to 1976 and can still remember the 1C register: Abbott, Barber, Bardell, Beale, Brander, Bunting, Carter, Connaghan, Davies, Dean, Gale, Gregory, Hickey, Hogan, Hornsby, Jarrett, Johnstone, Jones, Kemp, Knibbs, Marson, Meeson, Parkes, Peace, Rae, Roome, Satterthwaite, Shepherd, Skudder, Thomas (overseen by Mr Orrill)... I've often wondered what happened to those guys, and others besides.
 If anyone cares to email me please feel free.


Ian Davies
Leaving Date: 1977
Email: daviesi@cadvision.com
Location: Calgary, Canada


Great to see a web page of my old school. It brings back many fond memories and an urge to find out what my old class mates are doing now. The school gave me a great start. Does anyone have a school photo between '72 and '77 that they could e-mail to me? I would like to hear from anyone in my year.


Tim Gale
Leaving Date: 1977
Location: Stockport


I am a former pupil, 1970-77, currently visiting a friend, Tim Parkes(same years). A very interesting trawl through the old boys' section, although it would be good to see more of our contemporaries. I am still able to name each of the 30 boys who entered form 1c (form teacher, Sam Orrill) in Sept. 1970.


David Shepherd
Leaving Date: 1977
Email: shep59david
Location: Henley In Arden, Warks.


Very recently returned to live in the Midlands having lived in various parts of Britain over the last 20 odd years. The return to old stamping grounds prompted a bout of nostalgia which has culminated in me downloading an application to join the Old Norts and also find this website.

We all seem to share an uncanny ability to remember the school register which is certainly not congruent with my current day to day powers of recall.

Lads if you are out there would love to hear from Lammo ( best centre forward I've ever played with/against) Jonny Coe, Whiffy, Tim Parkes, Satters, The Mallett et al - I'm even willing to stand the first couple of rounds!!! Life has been a rich tapestry since those carefree days of wrecking Brunnaker, The Boyfriend, setting fire to Christmas trees on the balcany during end of term assembly.

My last school report stated.." I hope his air of cynicism is merely a mask to hide his true self".........It wasn't.

Love to catch up with anyone who knows me and remember.....WHERE THERE IS ALE THERE IS US ( Paul Satterthwaite circa 1976) in my book this ranks with "je pense donc je suis"




Allan Marshall
Leaving Date: 1978
Email: allanmarshall@totalise.co.uk
Location: Kent


Good to see so many people had a good time at this great school.  I attended between 1972 and 78.  Being the smallest person in the year my life wasn't exactly happy.  So I thought I'd let you all know that after I left the school I went on to play American Football for Lincoln, the Northern All Starts and then England in an International.  I ran the London and Manchester marathons and Great North Run and am presently in training for my first triathlon.  I would like to meet up with quite a few of my old class mates so I could kick your buts!

I gained a degree in Chemistry and a Masters in Polymer Science and technology and have been a company Director for the past 10 years.  I have three children and am as I am also a fully qualified FA coach, I am manager of my local football team.  I'd like to thank all the teachers at Kings Norton Grammar School for Boys for the excellent education they gave me.  I'd also like to thank all my scumbag classmates for making me so determined to do better than any of them could ever possibly dream of.


Robin Perkins
Leaving Date: 1978
Email: r.perkins@bepp.co.uk
Location: Bristol


What a wonderful surprise to find this site which I discovered via Friends Reunited. I was a pupil from 71-78 and have some marvellous memories of teachers, fellow pupils and friends. Despite failing to live up to expectations at A-level I did a degree in history and politics and now find myself news editor at The Bristol Evening Post. What I find amazing reading all the entries is that everyone seems to have the same memories of KNGS as myself. We can all recite the names of the people in our form and nearly all the entries heap praise on some great teachers - so good to see some of them are still in situ such as Malcolm Burgess and Paul Chapman. It is funny how whenever I return to Birmingham I still find myself driving down Northfield Road, slowing down to look at the old place and telling the kids that\'s where I went to school. There is a still a great deal of pride I think everyone has for the old school. Anyone out there remember me drop me an e-mail


Derek Lowe
Leaving Date: 1979
Email: lowed@btinternet.com
Location: Bournville, Birmingham


I felt compelled to add my details to this site following my meeting with Howard Stockley recently at his house after 8 years. Howard asked me why I had left it so long and what had prompted me to visit him. The answer was that I had been watching goodbye Mr Chips and nothing embodied the character more than Howard.

I am one of "Howard's Failures" for whom he wishes the clock to be turned back. I am also one of Howard's greatest fans. This man has inspired generations and he continues to inspire me even today.

Many of you will remember me as the class disrupter and the boy that learnt to fly from the mathematics classroom into the corridor (with the aid of Paul Chapman that is ).

I left rather unceremoniously in the sixth form in 1979 and moved to Bournville school where I learnt to like the sport of rugby (although I couldn't play it !).

KNGS gave me the ability to analyse every situation in life and a great store of memories (some painful, some good).

Some of you have done very well indeed and some of you not so well. The only thing I am sure of is that "Success is a measure of all the obstacles that you have overcome in life". In that case, I am successful !

Keep up the good work Kings Norton!


Andy Moran
Leaving Date: 1979
Email: andy@moran61.freeserve.co.uk
Location: UK


Great to find your website.
I attended the School from 1972 until 1979. I'm now a teacher! Strange world!
My brother attended from 1976.
Any contemporaries out there? Anyone remember Stephen Jack (Latin teacher)?
How do I contact the Old Nortonians? So many questions!


Stuart Mills
Leaving Date: 1979
Email: stewie@the-shed23.freeserve.co.uk
Location: Jersey


I was at KNBS from 1973-79

I can still remember the 1B register call;
Adams, Andrews, Atchison, Bagnall, Bevan, Blackmore, Bridgewater, Brown, Clarke, Croxton, Deeley, Dodd, Elson, Evans, Farr, Green, Harrison, Haynes, Hemming, Hodgetts, Hodgets, Mills, More, Phillips, Potter, Shelley, Small, Stanley, Watkins, Wooley

I moved to 3C to do Greek with the Hodgetts twins, Mark Adams & Dave Galloway

Teachers I remember include Messrs Wright, Jack, Hedges, Mobley, Hattersley, Lee, Strugnall, Hughes, and Holland

My claim to fame is that on leaving school, I was in a band with Adie Goldberg - he went on to be star of radio and screen, I became a Bank Manager in Jersey

The site is excellent, keep it up



Registered Names

  Eric Cohen

Graham King

Graham Packer

Joe Stikans

Johnny McClaren

Malcolm Pugh

Paul Fellows

Richard Osborne

David Harris

Michael Hind

Peter Marler

Jim Baker

David Evans

William Wakefield

Jim Bennett

David Milman

John Newman

Geoff Kemp

Mark Sweet

Martin Lane

Peter Elmer

David Morrison

Lee Blizzard

Nick Hoare

Paul Heraper

Neil Gregory

Ian Davies

Tim Gale

David Shepherd

Allan Marshall

Robin Perkins

Derek Lowe

Andy Moran

Stuart Mills